
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Emission radiophonique

Emission radiophonique - opinion des jeunes

Episode de cette semaine traite leur avis à proros des enfants qui regarde les chaines marocaines

Friday, May 3, 2013

Who drinks young ages alcoholic!

It is said that you, the young today, you drink more than the young yesterday. But the problem is that you drink more heavily. The "binge drinking" or "express bun" it tells you something? Before, young drinking a little every day. Today you refrain the week, but on weekends you Démontes your head! Watch out, your brain is all that you drink!

In addition to the immediate risks and consequences of long-term alcohol consumption increases dependency young adulthood. This is revealed by researchers at INSERM.

"The exposed early, between 13 and 16 years were twice as likely to become addicted to alcohol compared to 1

7-21 years. "

In the project "Alcobinge", and in order to mimic the binge drinking youth to study its consequences, the researchers administered high doses of alcohol to teens lab rats. Over time, the rodents have developed an addiction to alcohol and increased motivation to obtain. Specifically, when to press three times on the lever to get a bottle of alcohol intake, adult rats intoxicated since a very young age supported more than twice the control rats.
But if it goes like that for rats, there is no reason for us to be different ...

Teen suicide has halved!

After the shock of Cyrulnik report, released in 2011, the suicide less than 14 years, here is good news: the suicide of teenagers has fallen by half in 20 years!

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers, after accidents. Often linked to identity disorder, it represents 50,000 attempts and more than 500 victims aged 15-24 in France.

Because there is no type of suicidal teens and because the signs suggesting suicide are rare, prevention was not obvious. But the work on recidivism has been effective. While récicive rate is highest in the 4-6 months following a suicide attempt, the establishment of systems for monitoring and prevention of this period was decisive.
Some warning signs:
If changes suggesting an attempted suicide are difficult to identify, we still have to worry if you spot these signs in a friend:
- Social withdrawal
- Lower grades
- Decreased energy
- Sadness
- Isolation
- mutism

To do:
If you find yourself faced with a person who threatens to make a suicide attempt, here is what to do:
- Listening, showing interest and remains calm. Suicide is a cry for help, asking him questions, he will realize that you're interested in it.
- Provides support and relief. Do not think you are not able to help. She confided to you more easily ill-being, listening is what is best to do.
- Prende the situation seriously and assess the degree of risk.
- Identify all other support
- Removes the resources available if possible. If the means of suicide are present, trying to get rid of (drugs, weapons, toxic)
- Warn his entourage and will seek help.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What degree of protection to choose?

Sunscreen is essential when going on holiday under the sun! But as it is not easy to navigate among all brands and protection factors, here are our tips.

The protection of your sunscreen should be selected not according to your destination (more or less close to the equator, more or less in altitude ...), but depending on your skin phototype. There are six skin types. Mark yours and choose a well suited if you do not want to grill this summer protection!

You have blond or red hair, blue eyes and very clear, very pale and freckles?
You have very sensitive skin. The sun: you do not bronzes, you blush, and of course sunburn that you know!
Your IP: at least 60!

You got blond hair, fair complexion, blue eyes and freckles that appear in the sun eyes?
You have sensitive skin and you easily catch it from sunburn. You start to be tanned at the end of the holiday and yet it is not ecstasy ...
Your IP: minimum 40 and 60 of the most sensitive areas such as the face, neck ...

You got dark blond hair and brown clear skin clear or matte, and little or no freckles?
Your skin is normal, you bronzes quite easily but you always arranges to catch a pe'tit sunburn ... Not good!
Your IP: 30 start of the holiday, then 20.

You have dark brown or brown hair, dark skin, dark eyes?
Your skin is dull so you easily bronzes and you rarely catch it from sunburn.
Your IP: 12 to 20.

You have dark skin?
Sunburn? Well, you do not know! Protect yourself anyway!
Your IP: minimum 10.

You have black skin or mixed?
Your skin is well adapted to the sun, it contains more melanin and you do not catch it from sunburn. But that does not excuse you to protect your skin.
Your IP: at least 10
 Simply put: the more your skin is clearer, the index must be high!

Warning: the danger of henna tattoos!

Ephemeral art, henna, is star in the summer! On the beaches or in public places, artists on the sly offer great temporary tattoos! A priori harmless coquetry can be dangerous!

The AFSSAPS (French Association for Sanitary Safety of Health Products) and the association 60 Million Consumers, warn the population against these ephemeral black tattoos.

Henna is a completely natural and harmless plant that some tattoo artists sometimes add PPD (para-phenylenediamine) to darken the orange tint and increase the duration of the tattoo. The dye used in hair dyes, may cause irritation, burns, and even allergic eczema may lead to hospitalization.
Once you are sensitized to this allergen, eczema may reappear with each new contact. As a result, many professions using PPD as hairdressing, leather trades, those rubber, and many other industrial activities may Thee permanently inaccessible. PPD is more phototoxic. Clearly, to show off your new tattoo while basking in the sun, you can end up with a real crocodile skin.

No risk, so chic!
Beware therefore temporary tattoos black! For added security, prepare yourself a 100% natural concoction and throw yourself into the "body art". It's safe! 
To prepare you a 100% natural henna: check the recipe.
Otherwise, you still have to test the next generation of body art ephemeral: the glitter tattoo! Between the jewelry and tattoo, this glittery and colorful pattern holds several days on your skin! Very glam!


The henna recipe

Preparation of henna tattoo:

- 2 tablespoons of henna powder (you can get you in a grocery store, market ...)
- A little water
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon rosewater
 or orange blossom

The dough should not be too liquid (it would flow to the skin) or too thick (difficult to implement).

You can slightly warm formula to be more "active". Let cool before using.

To draw your tattoo, you can use a syringe (without the needle!), Stencils ... Allowed to stand as long as possible (at least 1 hour) paste on your skin. Get more patience, and the results will be conclusive.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why don't you have a boyfriend?

Tired of being alone without boyfriend to make you lots of kisses? You bear more to see all these couples tight against each other? You become aggressive, close buggery lead? In short, you're in need of love and suffer thee! This is not fatal, it will even give you tips for you you in kind!

No boyfriend? Is it Normal or not?
It'll be tired of being alone while all your friends are already in relationship quite long? Your friends talk about their first time in bed while thou yet fantasies about the first kiss ... You think you're not normal? The first thing to do is remove you live the idea of ​​the head! There's no deadline and you you're far from being out of date! You gotta stop to think What is an age for the first shovel and an age for the first time in bed, we are not machines, and if you wanna take your time, well, you take it! All chicks are not ready at the same time and must not rush things. For the moment you freak and suddenly you're a little blocked with the guys: you dare not talk to them, you're afraid of doing wrong and you flunk the same without you noticing ... Do not worry and not pressure you crazy when you're ready and you'll find a nice guy, it will come by itself. And especially de-stresses because you risk shutting yourself about yourself and therefore to believe that you guys are not open!

Afraid of approaching and you do not know how to tell him?
When you're in the backyard or in the classroom, you can not help you to look but once you lower your eyes because you're scared he realizes that you're in love? Talk to him, do you terrorize? Your No. 1 enemy is timidity and reassure you, it is treatable! You have to take confidence in you and that you will stop to invent phony excuses like old complex with two balls! If a guy you like, to make it work should not hide behind your fears, to act! Why there's solutions to shovel: put your trust in your best friend to set up a dredge plan invites him to a chug, launches her looks could kill, will speak to him, brings him up attracts attention and encourages him when he plays football, brief show him that you like him! The secret is to go slowly by step and take an interest in him. He is a guy so he expects it and it will always feel valued, and for you it will be an excellent therapy against your shyness ...

You find someone that you like?
You, your problem is that you do not have the guy because in not find the one you like.
There's nothing to do: when there's someone that attracts you, him, doesn't want you ... and when a guy flirt with you, on your side, there's no way! In short, you're never satisfied! But suddenly, well you're all alone ... Do not you be a little difficult? If you are looking for a Justin Timberlake, you can wait a long time because unfortunately, it doesn't run on the streets! Like, if you flash on guys you can not have, like your history teacher or the big brother of your best friend, is not won ... it is even impossible mission! Discuss with your class boys, maybe it's less fun but it's still a little less hassle as map, don't you think? If you continue, you risk missing out on a lot of very well guys and end up alone ... Look around, there's guys who ask to make an effort to please you!
